Sustainable Agriculture

Rotational complexity across US counties is currently insufficient to observe yield gains in major crops

Landscape complexity promotes ecosystem services and agricultural productivity, and often encompasses aspects of compositional or configurational land cover diversity across space. However, a key agricultural diversification practice, crop rotation, …

The State of US Farm Operator Livelihoods

In nine of the last 10 years, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has reported that the average funds generated on-farm for farm operators to meet living expenses and debt obligations have been negative. This paper pieces together …

Landscape complexity and US crop production

Agricultural expansion and intensification have simplified Earth's landscapes, thereby adversely affecting the biodiversity and ecosystem services that support agricultural production. Field-scale research suggests that increased landcover complexity …

Agricultural yield geographies in the United States

We examine the geographies of agricultural yields in the United States, home to some of the most productive agricultural systems on the planet. We model and map yield divergence from biophysical expectations and regional norms for five major …

Bright spots in US corn production

We adopt an approach known as bright spots analysis to identify U.S. regions with surprisingly high corn yields given regional expectations, seasonal weather, and soil characteristics. These counties are regional "surprises" that, by definition, …

Past and current dynamics of US agricultural land use and policy

How has agricultural land use and land cover changed? What are the major policy shifts associated with these changes? We show that U.S. agriculture has gradually trended toward an intensely regulated and specialized system. Crop production is …